(Unisciti a noi per un bicchiere di vino e un brindisi virtuale!!)
Guess what day it is? It’s Winesday Wednesday!! I’ll bet you wish you could be at Carmela’s this evening enjoying a fabulous glass of wine and listening to the beautiful music of Celine Mason and her dancing strings!! Even though we can’t be together in person this evening, the team at Carmela’s wants to let all of our friends and loyal patrons know that we thinking of you and hoping you are all well.
Celine wants to also thank you for your support and your following. She has put together a special video for you to enjoy in the comfort of your home. So, while you’re preparing your dinner or just relaxing with your family, please have a glass of wine with us and enjoy Celine’s dancing strings!!
I love the time honored tradition of the toast. It is a small but significant gesture that symbolizes friendship and goodwill. The Italians consider a toast to be a blessing in its purest form when the whole room stands and raises a glass in your honor. I’d like to take this opportunity to raise my glass and offer a toast to all of you: “I raise my glass to your good health and keeping faith that all will be well and this too shall pass.”
“Alzo il mio bicchiere alla vostra buona salute e mantenendo fede che tutto andrà bene e anche questo passerà.” Stay safe. Stay well. Stay home. Hope to see you soon! “Spero di vederti presto!”
Ralph Palmisano